Thursday, February 19, 2009

Grue Sketch

So I was inspired by Chgowiz's sketch of a Grue to not only remember exactly what a Grue IS, but also to draw one. This started as many of my drawings do, as a very small sketch at work that I turned into this slightly less small sketch:

I plan on inking it in photoshop sometime soon, making the background dark for greater effect.


Michael S/Chgowiz said...

This is great! My grue was such an amateurish piece of work. Yours has some nice action in it.

As soon as I learn how to draw in pencil, I'm going to do some inking.

Bartoneus said...

The big question I have while drawing this is, is it sacrilege to have a Grue with eyes?

Michael S/Chgowiz said...

It's your grue, not mine. :D Reinterpret away - I'm reinterpreting the kobold for good measure...